Monday 10 June 2013

SQL Server 2012 Installation.

SQL Server 2012 Installation.

Steps to install SQL Server 2012, with complete screenshots.

Click on the Setup, you will get this menu.

Choose Installation, you will get Key menu, Enter the Key, then Next.

We go Normal/ Standalone Instance then next.
Select the features, what needs to be install.
Then Next>
Then Next>

You Choose, as your wish. Then next > Choose Authentication modes .

Default the datafiles will store in C:\Program files\microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.EURDEV\MSSQL\Data

The Filestream enables SQL Server-based applications to store unstructured data,
such as documents and images, on the file system. The FileTable feature in SQL Server 2012 builds on
Filestream and you can enable this feature for FileTable to work.

Default Collation Setting for SQL Server SQL_Latin1 with 1252

After Completion restart recommended

Installation completed


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